Bryan and I presented at one of the coolest places so far on our tour: the Seattle Central Public Library. Just think, I started this entire journey in a small library in Wimbe Primary School that only had three shelves of books. So when I saw this place in Seattle, I nearly fell over. If a city puts this much energy and money into their public library, it's a city for me.
Before our presentation, I did a photo shoot outside the library with Dan, Jens, and Dawson from Brass Magazine. They kept shouting, "William, do something funny!" So I was showing them my bad dancing. They were cool guys.
Afterward we met Suzanne Premo and her daughter Isabella, who posed here with Bryan and me. Suzanne has a children's t-shirt company called Lucky Sprout that supports and promotes environmentally and socially-conscious causes in Africa and elsewhere. Little did I know, but one of their baby t-shirt designs was inspired by my windmills! And even better, some of the money from the purchase goes to help my school, African Leadership Academy.