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I will be speaking at this year's African Economic Forum, which will be held at Columbia University in New York City.

I will be speaking this Friday, March 27th from 6:30-7:15. If you are attending, please come and see me!

A bit
about AEF:

"The intent is to foster a public discussion on the core
issues of African development by having experts of various, and sometimes
opposing, perspectives openly debate the merits of different approaches and

"This year, the SIPA Pan-African Network is collaborating with the African
Business Club (ABC) at Columbia Business School and the African Law Students
Association (ALSA) at Columbia Law School to present this year’s AEF “From
Assets to Action – Unmasking Africa's Diverse Resources in a Challenging Era.”
AEF 2009 will explore the continent’s challenges and successes in the following
areas: agriculture, law, post-conflict economic development, finance, tourism,
and information and communications technology."