ABCCA school entrance

Today I began my new educational journey at the African Bible College Christian Academy. The Secondary (High) School started a week earlier because we are using a Distance Learning curriculum over the Internet called North Star, and we’re all learning the software together. It’s a lot for even the American students to digest and I’m new to computers and typing, but I am determined to learn it.

I’m starting as a freshman with a course load of three courses at first to get used to the new environment. There are currently six students in my class, but more are coming next week and over the coming month. The other students are from multiple countries including America. They, the head teacher Mrs. Maclean and the headmaster Mr. Wilson have been very nice to me.

I’m taking American History for the first time. We have to wear uniforms at school, white logo’d polo shirts and black slacks.

ABCCA garden