Many of you have written asking me how to contribute to my secondary education or engineering projects. There is absolutely no obiligation to donate anything, but if you wish to help, I have added a PayPal donation button with the help of my American mentor. His company, Griot Digital, LLC, will wire all funds to my Malawi bank account, and take care of the necessary record-keeping. At the moment, donations  are not tax-deductible, as we do not have a U.S. non-profit set up.

Here are things for which I would use any funds raised:

1. Tuition, tutoring, books, uniforms and related expenses at African Bible College Christian Academy (private secondary school), in Lilongwe, Malawi. I begin August 20th, 2007.

2. Board: I plan to stay with a family who has a student enrolled at ABCCA.

3. Rewiring my home to be powered by my upgraded windmill. Replace 4 car lightbulbs with 10 energy efficient DC current compact flourescent light bulbs, light switches and DC and AC outlets throughout the hous. 7 small rooms, 1 corridor, 2 porch lights. Replace car battery with two deep cycle batteries and charge controller. Add lightning rod to windmill and fire extinguisher for safety. Install 4 mm copper wiring in proper conduit. Bury wiring from windmill to the house in trench. Add inverter to provide AC 240V power for small appliances.

Project Status: Begun June 22, 2007. Completed June 24th, 2007

4. Wiring the family compound/neighborhood with solar power. Project Status: Begun June 25, 2007. In process.

5. Expenses for family food, clothing, and health care.