Community Hubs

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Phase Zero: Community Hubs

We are transforming the learning environment at five schools in Kasungu with the construction of new solar-powered educational spaces that are equipped with laptops, libraries, and EndlessOS offline internet. Your support also provides clean water systems, trained librarian staff, and funds for maintenance and repairs.

Community Hubs are school-based community resources. We anticipate 3,000 children, siblings, parents, and community members will be directly impacted by each center in the first year. These include 1,500 young people in grade-level equivalents 1-10 from up to five surrounding villages. To accommodate this range, our offline internet system and libraries include engaging content for ages 5-75.


School-based resource, community-wide impact

Community Hubs allow Moving Windmills to maintain a strong presence within communities and work deeply with the young people who become the first cohorts at the Innovation Center. These spaces are equipped with solar, water, books, and computers.

Through Hub Clubs, we’ll empower groups at each Hub with design skills training and an action-oriented curriculum. Once the Innovation Center is open, these Hubs will continue to operate and will be essential to helping us identify talent and design solutions to agricultural challenges. Our Hubs are school-based but designed to equally welcome out-of-school youth. Sites are strategically located near our irrigation schemes to aid in crop aggregation + transport to markets.  

56 students across 5 Community Hub Clubs work deeply and directly with Moving Windmills on an introduction to engineering curriculum. Each Club will also complete hands-on, experiential learning projects with William on solar, water, and carpentry. Thousands of community members will enjoy relevant learning materials, community presentations, and access to clean water, solar power, and agricultural demonstrations.